Saturday 16 June 2012

Submission is now closed for the HideBird Magnet Exhibition. Thankyou to everyone who contributed.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

CollectConnect Public Art exhibitions

Welcome to CollectConnect and our exhibitions.
We're 4 artists who have been exhibiting together in public spaces since 2010. This is the start of a new venture to bring a more varied pallette of ideas and art opportunities to you.
You can find more about us on the pages (right).
But that isnt why we're here! We want to get YOU involved by contributing and/or collecting.
Have a look at our ideals page to see what we stand for.

Our first exhibtion will be run by Dean Reddick. On his home patch in Walthamstow as part of the E17 Art Trail.
He'll be posting up more details next week about it.
The photo (above) should give you clue.

Alban (Bryan, Dean & Stuart)