Tuesday 18 October 2016

Postcard to My Future Self exhibition

*****Submissions Closed*****

If you could write a postcard to your future self what would it say? Are you having the best time of your life or perhaps you're struggling and need some help. Whatever you are thinking, write your pearl of wisdom down on one of our postcards and we'll send it back to you in 5 years time.

We will be displaying all the messages at the Postcard to My Future Self exhibition in the Foyer at Knights Park Campus, Kingston University, UK between 14th-18th November 2016. There will be a special launch day on Tuesday 15th November as part of Self Care Week at Kingston University.

How do I get involved?
Send your message to us by filling out the online form HERE
(or on our SUBMIT page)
Deadline for online entries is 11th November 2016
Write your message on one of our special postcards at the Postcard to My Future Self exhibition and place it in our special postbox.
Deadline for posted entries is 3pm, 18th November 2016

What happens next?
As well as your message write down your email address.
In 5 years time we'll send you an email and ask you where you now live.
If you live in the UK we'll send you your postcard in the mail.
If you live abroad we'll send you your postcard via email.

Any questions then email
Holly Duffield - H.Duffield@kingston.ac.uk
Alban Low - collectconnect4@gmail.com

Supported by the Union of Kingston Students

Friday 14 October 2016

Art of Caring closing event

Karin Andrews Jashapara
(Photo: Lesley Cartwright)
Thank you to all who came to the Art of Caring closing event last night. There was an illuminating talk from Karin Andrews Jashapara as well as the screening of two films about AOC by Anna Bowman.

The first reveals the origins of the AOC exhibition as well as the excitement of the Private View at St Pancras Hospital. The second,Falling, documents the performance work of Charlotte CHW.