Thursday 12 October 2023

Alertism 2023



At CollectConnect we asked a group of writers and artists to create work on the theme of Alert. 

On Sunday 23rd April at 3pm the UK government sent a nationwide Emergency Alert test message to all those people with a mobile device. Emergency Alerts is a new government service that warns you if there is a danger to life nearby (e.g. flooding, fire, and terrorist attacks). In an emergency, mobile phone masts broadcast an alert in the affected area, and give advice about how to stay safe.

How does being 'Alerted' affect the individual and the group?
What happens to our bodies when we are Alerted?
What happens to our minds when we are Alerted?
What are the political reasons for Alerting people?
Who chooses what dangers we should be Alerted to?
What dangers are we not Alerted to?
What Alert would you send? 

During October 2023 we sent these artistic and literary alerts to a group of First Responders, who recorded their responses. We will be posting both the original artworks or writing alongside their the responses here on and on our Facebook and Twitter pages. 

Susie Mendelsson
María Celina Val
Ann Kopka
Kezia Reddick
Stella Tripp
SJ Fowler
Bryan Benge
Stanimir Dimitrov
Martin Wakefield
Dean Reddick
Natalie Low
Lucy Furlong
Mark Carr
Paul March
Melanie Honebone
Alban Low
Julia Rose Lewis

First Responders
Ginny Reddick
Terence Collie
Robin Hutchinson
Coral Chambers
Jessie G Vaughan
Arlette Hovinga
Sophie Darling
Dan Clarke
Carole Bulewski
Jo Lansdown
Ana Pascual Veraart
Vicki Kaye
Francesca Albini
Ed Arantus
Dean Reddick
Katerina Koulouri
Natalie Low

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